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“No  matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. 

  No matter how sad you may be, believe, that happiness is waiting.” -unkown


A pregnancy after a loss is such an exciting thing but it can also be a time where you experience varying levels of anxiety, grief, and constant wondering.  Please don’t worry too much. Think positive thoughts and be excited for your pregnancy. Each pregnancy is different and unique in its own way. Below we have compiled articles written by ladies who have shared their experiences with others. We hope you will find encouragement in these resources. 


After a pregnancy loss, many women go on to have normal, healthy pregnancies. This can be something positive to think about for your next pregnancy! If you have had recurrent losses, make sure to consult your doctor about testing that can be done to help improve your chances of having a successful pregnancy. Some women find it helpful to have their doctor check their hormone levels to ensure they are at appropriate levels, check for food allergies, and/or have your blood analyzed to see if you have an underlying blood clotting disorder. Those are just a few of the preliminary tests you could take part in; refer to a trusted physician for further discussion on appropriate medical decisions for you and your individual case.


  • Make sure you are making healthy decisions for you and your baby

  • Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and are getting a good amount of protein

  • Take a quality prenatal vitamin

  • Get an adequate amount of rest

  • Call your doctor or midwife (if you haven’t already) for regular prenatal appointments

Pregnancy After a Loss: A Guide to Pregnancy

after a Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or Infant Death

By: Carol Cirulli Lanham


Joy at the End of the Rainbow: A Guide

to Pregnancy After a Loss

By: Amanda Ross-White


Expecting with Hope: Claiming Joy When

Expecting a Baby After Loss

By: Teske Drake


Celebrating Pregnancy Again: Restoring the

Lost Joys of Pregnancy after the Loss of a Child

By: Franchesca Cox


Trying Again: A Guide to Pregnancy After

Miscarriage, Stillbrth, and Infant Loss

By: Ann Douglas


*Share your own story in this E-Book* 

*Our Hearts Align has listed a portion of the resources available to you during this time. These resources are not necessarily endorsed by us or align with our beliefs but are provided for you to use at your discretion.

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