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“There is not a footprint so small

that it does not leave an imprint

on this world.” 



Late pregnancy loss or a late miscarriage occurs between 14-24 weeks gestation. At or After 24 weeks gestation, when a baby dies in utero the baby is considered a stillborn. No matter what stage we lose a baby in it is extremely difficult for us and for those around us.  There are no words to lessen your pain or any actions we can perform to make your grief go away. Know that those of us at Our Hearts Align are praying for you and are here to support you in any way we can. We hope the resources listed below will help you some during your journey.

Understanding Late Miscarriage


What is Late Pregnancy Loss?


Second Trimester Pregnancy Loss-American Family Physician


Late Miscarriage: Symptoms & Finding Support


Heartstrings Resources


*Our Hearts Align has listed a portion of the resources available to you during this time. These resources are not necessarily endorsed by us or align with our beliefs but are provided for you to use at your discretion.

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