Comforting Families Through Pregnancy Loss
2 Corinthians 1:4

The loss of a baby is never easy. There are no words that will cure your hurt. You probably have tons of questions. You might even feel very alone at this time. Please know what you are feeling and the questions you are asking are not uncommon. With that said, you have to make sure you are taking care of yourself emotionally. In this section, we will provide you with suggestions on how to grieve and manage your emotions.
*Women who experience pregnancy loss can also experience postpartum depression. If you are experiencing unusual thoughts or feelings please seek help from a licensed counselor or medical professional. You can also call the
Postpartum Support International warm-line for confidential support at 1-800-944-4773.

You will most likely encounter people who have good intentions but express themselves in all of the wrong ways, especially by using the wrong words. It is important to prepare yourself ahead of time so it will not be as difficult when you encounter them.
Example: A dear friend approaches you to ask how you are feeling. He/She proceeds to tell you that your body just wasn't ready to have a baby, that your loss was a way to prepare your body for your next baby. Even though your friend was trying to be nice, she said all of the wrong things and it actually made you feel worse.
Prepare statements ahead of time to help you during those situations. Try to remain calm and always be kind.
Example: I appreciate you for thinking of me during this difficult time.
Certain dates and events can be a trigger for emotions. Think of how you will respond when faced with difficult dates.
Examples of Dates and Events: Your baby's original due date, date of your miscarriage, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, October (National Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness)
Baby Showers, Christenings, Baptisms, A friend's or family member's birth.